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Sponsorship Information

If you are a member in good standing with the Canadian Hardware & Housewares Manufacturers Association you have an opportunity to co-sponsor Maple Leaf Night. The sponsorship fee entitles your company to the following:

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Retail Guests

Dear Industry Colleague:

We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us for the traditional Maple Leaf Night held during the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas. On behalf of the Canadian Hardware & Housewares Manufacturers Association (CHHMA), and the event co-sponsors, we look forward to seeing you at Maple Leaf Night 2018!

Chers collègues de l’industrie,

Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour la traditionnelle Soirée Feuille d'érable qui aura lieu lors du salon national de la quincaillerie à Las Vegas. Venez rencontrer vos collègues de l'Association canadienne des fabricants de produits de quincaillerie et d'articles ménagers (CHHMA) et les commanditaires lors de la Soirée Feuille d'érable 2018!

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