Volume 12, Issue 36, September 26, 2012

Inside This Issue:

Last Call for the Industry Memorial Golf Classic
Industry Cocktail Set for December 13th in Montreal 
CHHMA Introduces New Commercial Insurance Program for Member Companies  
Wal-Mart To Open Stores in India  
In Memoriam – Chris Hrushowy
Retail Sales Jump in July Led by Autos
Canada’s Inflation Rate Dips Slightly, No Pressure to Raise Interest Rates
Impulse Buying Costs Canadians $3,720 a Year
Housing Market Cooling Down Across Canada 
Shrinking Family Size/Retiring Baby Boomers Helping Canada’s Condo Market
Latest U.S. Economic News

Association News

Last Call for the Industry Memorial Golf Classic   
The 11th Annual Industry Memorial Golf Classic is taking place next Tuesday, October 2nd at the Blue Springs Golf Club in Acton, Ontario and there is still an opportunity to register to play golf or attend the dinner portion of the day.  Participants at this year’s event will have an opportunity to enter the 2012 ClubLink Road To Rattlesnake Contest where there are more than $375,000 in prizes available to be won such as exclusive golf vacations, ClubLink one-year memberships, gift cards, and much more. Participants at the Memorial Golf Classic will be able to enter the contest online and potentially be drawn to participate in the year end golf tournament on October 22 at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club in Milton, Ontario where they can win a fabulous prize.  Read More >>

Industry Cocktail Set for December 13th in Montreal  
This year’s Industry Cocktail will be taking place on Thursday, December 13, 2012 at the W MONTRÉAL HOTEL, 901 Square Victoria, close to picturesque Old Montreal, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the city's world-class downtown.  W Montréal is a stylish luxury hotel located in the city's historic Bank of Canada building. It was winner of the Condé Nast Traveller UK's coveted Best New Hotel award and a 2010 Fodor's Choice distinction selection.  Registration information will be sent out in the next few days but in the meantime, please mark your calendar and we hope to see you there at the annual industry year end celebration.

CHHMA Introduces New Commercial Insurance Program for Member Companies
The CHHMA is pleased to announce that our member companies can now take advantage of a new CHHMA Commercial Insurance Program brought to you by Aaxel Insurance Brokers Ltd.  Aaxel Insurance Brokers Ltd. has developed the new and unique commercial insurance program specifically for the Canadian Hardware & Housewares Sector. The program is underwritten by Canada’s largest and progressive insurance companies such as: Chartis Insurance, Intact Insurance, Chubb Insurance, Aviva Insurance, Economical Insurance, Unica Insurance, Lloyds of London and more ... Aaxel Insurance Brokers Ltd. is available to meet with any CHHMA member to answer any questions you may have about the CHHMA Commercial Insurance Program or to provide a confidential quote on your upcoming renewal.   Read More >>

Industry News
Wal-Mart To Open Stores in India    
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to open retail outlets in India in the next 12 to 18 months, the company said last Friday, making it the first multinational to jump on the government's decision to open the country's huge retail market to foreign players.  Read More >>

In Memoriam – Chris Hrushowy     
The CHHMA was saddened to learn of the passing of Chris Hrushowy on September 18, 2012. Husband of Suzie Gibbs, father of Jeanne Rodeck, Laurie Bickle, and Neil Hrushowy, and grandfather of Kelly, Gregory, Tracey, Ian, Aidan and Anders, Chris died peacefully after a long struggle with ALS. Born in Brandon, MB, Chris traveled the world with family and on business, and savoured the opportunity to learn from wherever he went. A renowned storyteller, Chris lived life most fully through the spoken word, and he always appreciated the value of a tall tale. But no story was complete until he brought it back to the importance of family, the theme around which he built his life. He will be missed by his many friends in the industry for his warmth, humour and steady resolve. There will be a private memorial for family and close friends, according to Chris's wishes. No flowers, please. Donations may be made to No Strings Theatre for Youth.        

Economic News
Retail Sales Jump in July Led by Autos  

Statistics Canada reported on Tuesday that retail sales in July unexpectedly jumped 0.7% from June, to a near record $38.99 billion, led by the sales of new cars and general merchandise.  Read More >> 

Canada’s Inflation Rate Dips Slightly, No Pressure to Raise Interest Rates  
Canada’s annual inflation rate in August slipped, as consumer prices rose 1.2% in the 12 months to August, down from a 1.3% gain in July. According to Statistics Canada data from last Friday, prices of most goods and services rose moderately or fell year-over-year, leaving little pressure on the Bank of Canada to start raising interest rates due to inflation concerns.  Read More >> 

Impulse Buying Costs Canadians $3,720 a Year     
A majority of Canadians surveyed by the Bank of Montreal say they shop to cheer themselves up and mood-lifting impulse purchases cost Canadians $3,720 annually.  Read More >>   

Housing Market Cooling Down Across Canada    
The Conference Board of Canada says new mortgage rules are putting the brakes on home sales and listings across Canada.
Research released on Monday from the organization shows sales of existing homes fell in August from the month earlier in 21 of the 28 metropolitan markets it tracks, with new listings easing in 17 centres.  Read More >>    

Shrinking Family Size/Retiring Baby Boomers Helping Canada’s Condo Market   
Statistics Canada’s census data from last Wednesday showed a dramatic increase in one-person households, up 10.4% from 2006 to 2011. For the first-time, more households were comprised of couples without children than with children. Family size also shrunk, with the average number of children dropping from 2.7 in 1961 to 1.9 in 2011.  All of this seems to bode well for the condo market which sees occupants typically living in smaller quarters than they are historically used to.  Read More >>  

Latest U.S. Economic News            

U.S. consumer confidence jumps to 7-month high;  U.S. new home sales edge down in August; U.S. home prices rise in July;
U.S. housing starts weaker than expected in August ... Read More >>   

 Upcoming CHHMA Events 

Industry Memorial Golf Classic
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Blue Springs Golf Club, Acton, Ontario

Industry Cocktail
Thursday, December 13, 2012
“W” Hotel, Montreal, Quebec 

Canada Night
Sunday, March 3, 2013
InterContinental Hotel, Chicago, Illinois

CHHMA Spring Conference & AGM
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
International Centre (Conference Facility), Mississauga, Ontario

CHHMA Maple Leaf Night
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

CHHMA Ontario Golf Tournament
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Angus Glen Golf Club, Markham, Ontario

CHHMA Industry Calendar

To register for all events visit our website at or call Pam Winter at (416) 282-0022 ext.21.


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"Eye On Our Industry" is published by the CHHMA as an information resource for our members. Member input regarding content and format is welcomed. Please contact Michael Jorgenson by email:, or call at (416) 282-0022, ext. 34. CHHMA is located at 1335 Morningside Ave., Suite 101, Scarborough, ON, M1B 5M4